The 5NINES & ResTech Services business office is located at 2901 Latham Dr.
The data center and free visitor parking is located at 222 West Washington Ave in Madison.
Please feel free to enter the visitor garage (Level 1P) at the intersection of Henry St. and West Washington Ave. You will see the gate upon entering the structure, you will park in this area, and we will provide a parking token during the meeting.
Additionally, street and city ramp parking are available.
NOTE: If you are a current 5NINES customer, and this is an emergency, please call our emergency phone number that is in your customer user guide. Afterhours and during weekends, support tickets created here are reviewed and addressed within one business day.
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Tech Support
Got a tech issue or tech emergency? Contact our support desk.
Billing Questions
Contact Billing for any questions about invoices or payments.
Sales Inquiries
Start here if you want to purchase or learn more about our services.
General Inquiries
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2901 Latham Dr.
Madison, WI 53713